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- overweight
- people
- pollution
- trade union facility time
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- welfare
- analysis
- cpz
- diagnosis
- economy
- gp practice
- ltcs
- permits
- profile
- sex
- transparency
- workforce
- alcohol
- housing
- imd
- prevalence
- residents
- business
- deprivation
- landlord
- street
- unemployment
- camden
- disability
- ethnicity
- long term conditions
- mental health
- age
- disproportionality
- impact
- tenant
- young people
- accident
- demographics
- covid-19
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- children
- annual monitoring report
- contravention
- households
- parking ticket
- pcn
- 2011 census
- inspection
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- tree
- alcohol misuse
- bicycle
- bike
- commute
- employment
- mental
- ward profile
- jsna
- life expectancy
- parking
- population
- statistics
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- ready made table
- 2021 census
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Recorded and expected prevalence of hypertension in Camden, by GP practice, 2014/15
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December 15 2015
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