Welcome to Open Data Camden
Open Data Camden is the place for the public, researchers and developers to access, analyse and share information about the borough. All data may be viewed, re-used and downloaded under an OGL Licence; you can access the datasets through the main catalogue or by the categories below. Open Data Camden can be used to create and post your own visualisations and maps. All of the datasets are API enabled, allowing for the creation of apps that will help foster innovation and technological solutions.
Please note: on 31st January 2025 visualisations that were created before 5th October 2019 will be deleted because of underlying changes to the open data platform; datasets are not affected. In most cases a new version of the visualisation will be created with a new URL; a list of affected visualisations and their new URLs is available here.
Most popular
The most accessed datasets and views
Planning datasets and maps
Parking datasets and views
Request Dataset
Make a request for a specific dataset