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- Business & Economy
- Children, Schools & Family
- Community
- Crime and Criminal Justice
- Education
- Environment
- Equality
- Finance
- Health Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Housing
- Leisure
- Maps
- People & Places
- Planning
- Transport
- Your Council
- 2018
- 2021
- access
- adult
- adult health
- adults with autism
- annual
- annual public health report
- aphr 2018
- apprenticeships growth sectors
- approximated social grade
- armed forces
- asset of community value
- atrial fibrillation
- attainment
- autism needs assessment
- autsim
- belsize
- bipolar
- bloomsbury
- bme
- bone health
- boundaryline
- brexit
- business activity
- business priorities
- businesses
- c-19
- camden by age & sex
- camden perfomance progress
- camden town with primrose hill
- cancer
- cantelowes
- car park
- care
- cause of death
- central heating
- centre
- charter
- chd
- child poverty
- cil
- citizenship
- ckd
- claimant count
- cld
- collision
- community involvement
- components
- components of change
- cost of living
- councillors
- countries
- country of birth
- csr
- cvd
- deficiency
- dementia
- demographics; income inequality
- demography & migration
- department for education
- dependent children
- development
- dfe
- disease
- distance
- dog fouling
- drinking
- drugs
- dwelling
- e-cigarettes
- early intervention
- economic development
- efi
- elderly
- electorates
- electronic frailty index
- energy
- engagement
- engagement consultation survey
- environment
- epn
- equalities
- equality taskforce
- erthnicity
- estimates
- faqs
- fire
- first 1001 days
- fleet
- flu vaccinations
- flytip
- foi
- food banks
- food insecurity
- food sharing
- food strategy
- food vouchers
- forecast
- former industry
- former occupation
- fortune green
- fraud
- frognal and fitzjohns
- fuel
- fuel poverty
- gender id
- gender identity
- gender pay gap
- general practice
- gis
- gospel oak
- gp
- gp practices
- grade
- grants
- growth
- growth sectors
- hampstead town
- haverstock
- health inequalities; health;
- healthy ageing
- healthy inequality gap
- heart disease
- hepatitis
- highgate
- holborn and covent garden
- holiday hunger
- home worker
- hospital admissions
- hours worked
- household composition
- hr
- hra
- human resource
- hypertension
- idaci
- idaopi
- identity
- incidence
- inequalities
- insight
- integrated care
- intellegence profile
- jsa
- kentish town
- key facts
- key statistis
- kilburn
- king's cross
- labour
- labout market
- lamp
- last year worked
- latest
- lea
- legal high
- libraries
- life-stages
- limiting long-term illness
- litter
- liver disease
- living arrangements
- llti
- local authoirities
- local data
- local development framework
- local economic assessment
- london
- london borough totals
- long-term illness
- low income
- making every contact count
- market
- migration
- mode
- mothers
- nasa
- national identity
- national statistics socio-economic classification
- needs analysis
- neet
- neighbourhood
- neighbourliness
- nutrition
- occupancy
- odi
- open data
- open data institute
- opinions
- opinions attitudes
- oral health
- output areas (oas)
- pay
- pharmaceutical needs assessment
- pharmacies
- pharmacy
- physical
- pna
- poor
- population estimates
- pregnancy
- prevention
- psychosis
- qualifications.
- questionnaire
- quits
- recycling
- regent's park
- regions
- renewable
- reproductive health
- residence type
- respiratory disease
- results
- retail survey
- revised mid-2021
- safety
- salaries
- saleries
- satisfaction
- school places planning
- seasonal health
- section
- section 106
- sector
- sen
- settlement agreements
- shared values
- shop frontages
- signposting
- small population
- smi
- smoke
- social
- social capital
- social isolation
- social survey
- society
- space
- special education needs
- staff
- sti
- stop smoking
- strategic
- stroke
- suicide
- surplus food
- surveys
- sustianability
- swiss cottage
- tables
- tap
- technical note
- tia
- town
- training
- trust
- turnover
- usual residents
- vacancy
- vacant
- vans
- vcs
- vehicle
- vitamin d
- voluntary
- west hampstead
- wider determinants of health
- winter health
- winter wellbeing
- winter wellness
- working
- 2001 census
- air conditioning
- air quality
- arrears
- assets
- assets of community value
- basement
- benefits reform
- births
- bres
- briefing
- cancer screening
- carers
- cars
- census guide
- child weight
- chronic kidney disease
- closure
- cooling tower
- data
- deaths
- decile
- demographic
- depression
- economic activity
- education
- election
- employed
- evaporative condenser
- excavation
- falls
- families
- food
- food poverty
- footpath
- frailty
- further
- guidance
- health inequalities
- higher
- homelessness
- hospital
- housing revenue account
- hygiene
- index
- jobs
- jobseekers allowance (jsa)
- labour market
- language
- legionnaires' disease
- leisure
- marital and civil partnership status
- mid-year estimates
- national child measurement programme
- ncmp
- needs assessment
- ns-sec
- occupation
- opinion
- overcrowding
- pavement
- physical health
- poverty
- primary planning areas
- quick statistics
- rank
- recruitment
- reform
- report
- resident support
- residents survey
- restaurant
- rooms
- schools
- score
- send
- sexual health
- sexual orientation
- smokers
- social housing
- special educational needs
- st pancras and somers town
- substance misuse
- take away
- teenage pregnancy
- temporary accommodation
- tobacco
- topic summary tables
- transport
- travel to work
- unpaid care
- voting
- wages
- wellbeing
- wider determinants
- workers
- working age
- activity
- acv
- adults
- aphr
- autism
- bedrooms
- benefits
- bmi
- borough
- camden ward
- community
- community right to bid
- comorbidities
- companies house
- contracts
- earnings
- equality
- estimate
- facilities
- gender
- high blood pressure
- industry
- inequality
- key statistics
- learning disability
- localities
- ndr
- office
- ordance survey
- physical activity
- primary
- procurement
- qualifications
- religion
- secondary
- survey
- tenure
- toilet
- transparency code
- unemployed
- wards
- work
- worklessness
- workplace
- accommodation
- benefit cap
- demography
- economic
- forecasts
- health inequality
- housing benefit
- map
- maps
- os
- population segmentation
- projections
- skills
- welfare reform
- crime
- diabetes
- indices of deprivation
- king's college
- london air
- police
- road
- census
- copd
- index of multiple deprivation
- lsoa
- older people
- overweight
- people
- pollution
- trade union facility time
- ward
- welfare
- analysis
- cpz
- diagnosis
- economy
- gp practice
- ltcs
- permits
- profile
- sex
- transparency
- workforce
- alcohol
- housing
- imd
- prevalence
- residents
- business
- deprivation
- landlord
- street
- unemployment
- camden
- disability
- ethnicity
- long term conditions
- mental health
- age
- disproportionality
- impact
- tenant
- young people
- accident
- demographics
- covid-19
- traffic
- children
- annual monitoring report
- contravention
- households
- parking ticket
- pcn
- 2011 census
- inspection
- leaf
- tree
- alcohol misuse
- bicycle
- bike
- commute
- employment
- mental
- ward profile
- jsna
- life expectancy
- parking
- population
- statistics
- obesity
- smoking
- public health
- green
- nspl
- ons
- postcode
- health
- applications
- planning
- ready made table
- 2021 census
64 Results
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Tags > health
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File or Document
This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in those recorded as carers and those cared for in London Borough of Camden.
September 1 2015
File or Document
This public health intelligence profile provides an overview of life expectancy and cause of death by various demographic indicators like age, sex, deprivation, country of birth, place of death and ward in Camden and Islington.
February 10 2020
This slide set is an analysis intended to inform Camden and Islington Public Health team and Clinical Commissioning Groups about causes of death contributing to changes in the life expectancy gap over time.
Specifically, this analysis shows how the gap in life expectancy between the most and least deprived areas have changed over time in Camden and Islington, and explores what causes of death are contributing to these changes
Specifically, this analysis shows how the gap in life expectancy between the most and least deprived areas have changed over time in Camden and Islington, and explores what causes of death are contributing to these changes
February 10 2020
File or Document
This public health intelligence profile provides an overview of Camden’s older population (aged 65 and over). It summarises the demographics, burden of ill health, hospital admissions and mortality reported in the group.
September 1 2015
File or Document
This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to families and young children’s health in Camden.
April 13 2017
File or Document
Camden and Islington's annual public health report focusing on mental health.
May 5 2017
File or Document
Camden and Islington annual public health report focusing on tackling health inequalities.
May 5 2017
File or Document
This public health intelligence profile describes trends and patterns in smoking prevalence and smoking cessation efforts in Camden. This profile will support and inform: service delivery and decision-making within the Stop Smoking Service (SSS), commissioners of smoking services, including Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), improvements in processes and outcomes at an individual general practice level
June 20 2016
File or Document
This Public Health Intelligence Profile analyses patterns of alcohol-specific hospital admissions in Camden in 2014/15. In Camden in 2014/15, 519 individuals aged 18 years and over were admitted to hospital specifically because of alcohol. These individuals resulted in 896 alcohol-specific hospital admissions and 3,639 days spent in hospital.
February 10 2020